General Practitioner

As a General Parctitioner (GP), I will have so many experince that may linger in my mind for a long time. From ridiculous situation, unpredictable diagnostic result, handle complicated case and patient, relief due to improvement of your patient condition, proud of succeed treatment/management, upset moment and take compliment from patient are tiny sample that color my live every day.

It's only about nostalgic post, I want to make this section as diary-like project to improve my quality of handle the patient. I want to learn from the past, I also need to remind my self, I have through this far, why should I see the past and stuck? I need to move on and on.

Beware, this is semi-private post. It may contain spesific name/place, but I will try to make it as confidential as I can. And, I will type the post with my own language. Trust me, this is not serious review, it's only a young GP who has passion of blogging her daily living. So, what story that we will got here?

  1. Become a doctor, empathy or tragedy?

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